Who’s Walter?


Walter was my bulldog. He was 85 pounds of personality: hilarious, adorable and powerful.

I’d spent months researching bulldogs and thought I knew what I was getting into when I brought him home at nine weeks old. Well, he proved to be a bigger challenge than I ever expected. He was anxious and could be aggressive. He used his massive size to push people around. In short, he was a real knucklehead.

When he turned six months old and things weren’t getting better, I decided to buckle down and focus way more of my time and energy on training him. I owed it to both of us. All dogs (and especially more challenging breeds like bulldogs) need rules, structure, and mental and physical exercise to be their best selves. And their humans need to be able to trust them and rely on them to be good companions — at home, at the park, around kids, on walks and beyond.

Training made life with Walter so much more fun and rewarding. We could take walks without him pulling me around; he stopped throwing his weight around (literally) — I even taught him how to swim! Working with Walter sparked my passion for dog training, and for helping owners grow a trusting, mutually respectful relationship with their dogs.

If you’re ready to explore the ways I might be able to help you and your pup, take the first step and schedule a consultation today!